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Children learn by doing:


Through active involvement with their environment, children attempt to make sense of the world around them.  They learn by exploring their environment through hands-on experience.

Teaching young children is a creative process.  An early childhood curriculum provides the framework for what actually happens in a planned environment where children interact with materials, peers, and adults. The primary teaching goal is to help young children use the environment productively and see themselves as capable learners. They will acquire the skills and abilities needed for a lifetime of learning through carefully planned, developmentally appropriate activities arranged by the teachers.


When a learning environment encourages exploration and discovery, children develop sense of trust and belonging. They feel important and valued when others listen to them, seek out their ideas, and allow them to express themselves. This type of environment is considered hands-on or learning through play.


Children in our classrooms are encouraged to discover things on their own. They learn by exploring the actual objects we talk about. The teachers inspire the children by asking open ended questions. This helps the child develop important communication skills.


At Teddy Bear Child Care, our curriculum encourages learning through play, using a variety of activities and techniques to reach particular goals. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum provides for the whole child; it combines physical, emotional, social, and cognitive learning through an integrated approach. Each of these domains is interconnected and impacts the others.  


In the infant, toddler and early preschool rooms, we are using Experience curriculum. This curriculum designed to teach and show progress of each individual child. 


In the preschool and Step up to Kindergarten rooms we use the Istar-KR assessment program to complete our lesson plans tailored to your child's needs. Our program is designed to teach social and emotional competence as well as teaching kindergarten readiness.

Classroom Learning Centers:


Each classroom’s layout is slightly different, but all of them contain the following Learning Centers (at a minimum):

•Music Center                •Art Center                •Easel               

•Block Center                •Reading Center         •Discovery    •Math/Manipulative        •Science Center          •Writing Center

•Quiet Area/Alone Spot  •Dramatic Play Center •Play Dough       

Our Goals



  • to become independent and learn to be in control of their emotions

  • to be able to express and deal with the emotions they have

  • to learn how others express and deal with emotions

  • to develop empathy with others



  • to be able to interact effectively with others, regardless of perceived differences

  • to be able to respect others and the property of others

  • to be able to function well in a group setting

  • to be able to understand why they should cooperate with others

  • to be able to develop meaningful friendships



  • to develop large and small motor skills

  • to learn the importance of good nutrition and good hygiene

  • to develop lifelong, healthy habits



  • to develop a lifetime love of learning

  • to learn observation and discussion skills

  • to build a love for reading

  • to build upon natural curiosity

  • to develop the foundation needed to advance in the primary grades

"We support the creation of child-centered environments where children are actively engaged in real, meaningful experiences, not "cute" fluffy time fillers."  
Lisa Murphy,
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